
View synonyms for prosecute


[ pros-i-kyoot ]

verb (used with object)

prosecuted, prosecuting.
  1. Law.
    1. to institute legal proceedings against (a person).
    2. to seek to enforce or obtain by legal process.
    3. to conduct criminal proceedings in court against.
  2. to follow up or carry forward something undertaken or begun, usually to its completion:

    to prosecute a war.

  3. to carry on or practice.

    Synonyms: conduct, execute, discharge, perform

verb (used without object)

prosecuted, prosecuting.
  1. Law.
    1. to institute and carry on a legal prosecution.
    2. to act as prosecutor.


/ ˈprɒsɪˌkjuːt /


  1. tr to bring a criminal action against (a person) for some offence
  2. intr
    1. to seek redress by legal proceedings
    2. to institute or conduct a prosecution
  3. tr to engage in or practise (a profession or trade)
  4. tr to continue to do (a task, etc)
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • ˈproseˌcutable, adjective
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Other Words From

  • prose·cuta·ble adjective
  • prose·cuta·bili·ty noun
  • nonpros·e·cuta·ble adjective
  • quasi-prose·cuted adjective
  • re·prose·cute verb (used with object) reprosecuted reprosecuting
  • well-prose·cuted adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of prosecute1

1400–50; late Middle English prosecuten to follow up, go on with < Latin prōsecūtus, past participle of prōsequī to pursue, proceed with, equivalent to prō- pro- 1 + secū-, variant stem of sequī to follow + -tus past participle suffix
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Word History and Origins

Origin of prosecute1

C15: from Latin prōsequī to follow, from prō- forward + sequī to follow
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Example Sentences

“It’s consistent to those distributing illicit fentanyl throughout our communities and, in the process, inflicting pain, suffering and death on Californians: We will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law.”

Their neighbours were prosecuted, but now Mr and Mrs Byrne have been charged themselves and said they have been told by the British Embassy the outcome could go "either way".

From BBC

Last year the three men were prosecuted in absentia by a military court and given death sentences for treason.

From BBC

Under Louisiana state law, if a person dies or is seriously injured during a hazing ritual, it can be prosecuted as a criminal offence under the Max Gruver Act.

From BBC

Thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets in recent months, demanding she be prosecuted for the deadly crackdown on student protesters.

From BBC


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prosectorprosecuting attorney