[ ri-lees ]
verb (used with object)
- to free from confinement, bondage, obligation, pain, etc.; let go:
to release a prisoner; to release someone from a debt.
Antonyms: bind
- to free from anything that restrains, fastens, etc.:
to release a catapult.
Synonyms: disengage, extricate, loose
Antonyms: fasten
- to allow to be known, issued, done, or exhibited:
to release an article for publication.
- Law. to give up, relinquish, or surrender (a right, claim, etc.).
- a freeing or releasing from confinement, obligation, pain, emotional strain, etc.
Synonyms: emancipation, deliverance, liberation
- liberation from anything that restrains or fastens.
- some device or agency for effecting such liberation.
- a grant of permission, as to publish, use, or sell something.
- the releasing of something for publication, performance, use, exhibition, or sale.
- the film, book, record, etc., that is released.
- Law.
- the surrender of a right or the like to another.
- a document embodying such a surrender.
- Law Obsolete. a remission, as of a debt, tax, or tribute.
- Machinery.
- a control mechanism for starting or stopping a machine, especially by removing some restrictive apparatus.
- the opening of an exhaust port or valve at or near the working stroke of an engine so that the working fluid can be exhausted on the return stroke.
- the point in the stroke of an engine at which the exhaust port or valve is opened.
- (in jazz or popular music) a bridge.
/ rɪˈliːs /
- to free (a person, animal, etc) from captivity or imprisonment
- to free (someone) from obligation or duty
- to free (something) from (one's grip); let go or fall
- to issue (a record, film, book, etc) for sale or circulation
- to make (news or information) known or allow (news or information) to be made known
to release details of an agreement
- law to relinquish (a right, claim, title, etc) in favour of someone else
- ethology to evoke (a response) through the presentation of a stimulus that produces the response innately
- the act of freeing or state of being freed, as from captivity, imprisonment, duty, pain, life, etc
- the act of issuing for sale or publication
- something issued for sale or public showing, esp a film or a record
a new release from Bob Dylan
- a news item, document, etc, made available for publication, broadcasting, etc
- law the surrender of a claim, right, title, etc, in favour of someone else
- a control mechanism for starting or stopping an engine
- the opening of the exhaust valve of a steam engine near the end of the piston stroke
- the moment at which this valve opens
- the electronic control regulating how long a note sounds after a synthesizer key has been released
- the control mechanism for the shutter in a camera
Derived Forms
- reˈleaser, noun
Other Words From
- re·leasa·bili·ty noun
- re·leasa·ble re·leasi·ble adjective
- nonre·lease noun
- unre·leasa·ble adjective
- unre·leasi·ble adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of release1
Word History and Origins
Origin of release1
Synonym Study
Example Sentences
Pictures will release “Minecraft,” based on the gaming franchise, in April.
The Rams understand the Los Angeles market as well as any other team here, and their decision to release wide receiver Cooper Kupp reflects that.
The Rams understand the Los Angeles market as well as any other team here, and their decision to release wide receiver Cooper Kupp reflects that.
He was shown in footage released by the Kremlin walking alongside his military chief Valery Gerasimov, with both men wearing combat gear.
Shortly after noting in the second statement that “additional regulations will be put in place,” Status8 released a third post outlining a dress code and security measures.
Related Words
More About Release
What is a basic definition of release?
Release means to free from imprisonment or confinement, to free from anything that is acting as a constraint, or to allow something to be out in the open. The word release has many other senses as a verb and a noun.
When a person is released, they are freed from their captivity or anything else that was hindering their freedom. This sense of release is an antonym of words like imprison, detain, or confine.
- Real-life examples: A person is released from prison once they complete their sentence. For the most part, a person is released from debt if they declare bankruptcy. Parents often force children to release wild animals back to wherever they came from.
- Used in a sentence: Whenever I go fishing, I always release the fish back into the water after catching them.
Release is also used in this same sense as a noun.
- Used in a sentence: The king paid for the release of his son from the enemy.
Release is also used figuratively to mean to free anything from any kind of restraint.
- Used in a sentence: I released the rope and let it fall down into the hole.
Release can also mean to allow something to be freely distributed or sold to the public.
- Real-life examples: Authors release new books. Musicians release new albums. The government sometimes releases information to the press. Researchers release the results of tests or studies to the public.
- Used in a sentence: Stephen King just released a new book that I really want to read.
Release is used in this same sense as a noun.
- Used in a sentence: People lined up to buy Beyoncé’s newest release.
Where does release come from?
The first records of release come from the early 1300s. It ultimately comes from the Latin verb relaxāre, meaning “to loosen, stretch out.” The English word relax shares this origin.
Did you know ... ?
What are some other forms related to release?
- releaser (noun)
- releasability (noun)
- releasable (adjective)
- nonrelease (noun)
- unreleasable (adjective)
What are some synonyms for release?
What are some words that share a root or word element with release?
What are some words that often get used in discussing release?
What are some words release may be commonly confused with?
How is release used in real life?
Release is a common word that most often means to free something or to make something available to the public.
I'm so emotional right now. My dad is being released from jail!!! He's been there since I was 5 😭
— Matthew Lush (@MatthewLush) June 12, 2015
My daughter and I rescued and released a bird that was stuck in our basement. So now when I hear the meadowlarks sing I will assume that it is a ballad about our kindness and heroism.
— Ben Fowlkes (@benfowlkesMMA) September 12, 2020
Migos just released a new album with 24 songs that sound like the previous 250 songs they have made.
— Piques (@piques15) January 26, 2018
Try using release!
True or False?
If a prisoner is released from jail, it means they aren’t locked up anymore and are free to leave.