[ rep-yuh-tey-shuhn ]
- the estimation in which a person or thing is held, especially by the community or the public generally; repute:
a man of good reputation.
- favorable repute; good name:
to ruin one's reputation by misconduct.
Synonyms: recognition, honor, esteem, renown, distinction, fame
Antonyms: disrepute
- a favorable and publicly recognized name or standing for merit, achievement, reliability, etc.:
to build up a reputation.
- the estimation or name of being, having, having done, etc., something specified:
He has the reputation of being a shrewd businessman.
/ ˌrɛpjʊˈteɪʃən /
- the estimation in which a person or thing is generally held; opinion
- a high opinion generally held about a person or thing; esteem
- notoriety or fame, esp for some specified characteristic
- have a reputationto be known or notorious, esp for promiscuity, excessive drinking, or the like
Derived Forms
- ˌrepuˈtationless, adjective
Other Words From
- repu·tation·al adjective
- self-repu·tation noun
Word History and Origins
Origin of reputation1
Word History and Origins
Origin of reputation1
Synonym Study
Example Sentences
But the poor reputation could hurt the company’s bottom line, he said.
Consequently, Trump seems like a real leader and armed with that reputation, he has literally bent the arc of history toward injustice.
High profile announcements about job cuts at universities could affect the sector's reputation, the head of Wales' new universities watchdog says.
He accused officials of "fiddling while Rome burns" and added: "Sorry but I'm on a mission. Dyson knows what he's doing and won't risk his global brand reputation delivering dodgy ventilators."
From the point of view of his reputation within the sport, Russell has to come out on top.