1[ rood ]
- discourteous or impolite, especially in a deliberate way:
a rude reply.
Synonyms: fresh, pert, saucy, impudent, impertinent, brusque, curt, unmannerly, uncivil
- without culture, learning, or refinement:
rude, illiterate peasants.
Synonyms: uncultured, rough, vulgar, coarse, uncouth, uncivilized, unrefined
- rough in manners or behavior; unmannerly; uncouth.
- rough, harsh, or ungentle:
rude hands.
- roughly wrought, built, or formed; of a crude construction or kind:
a rude cottage.
- not properly or fully developed; raw; unevolved:
a rude first stage of development.
- harsh to the ear:
rude sounds.
- without artistic elegance; of a primitive simplicity:
a rude design.
- violent or tempestuous, as the waves.
Synonyms: stormy, turbulent, tumultuous, fierce
- robust, sturdy, or vigorous:
rude strength.
- approximate or tentative:
a rude first calculation of costs.
2[ ryd ]
- Fran·çois [f, r, ah, n, -, swa], 1784–1855, French sculptor.
/ ruːd /
- insulting or uncivil; discourteous; impolite
he was rude about her hairstyle
- lacking refinement; coarse or uncouth
- vulgar or obscene
a rude joke
- unexpected and unpleasant
a rude awakening to the facts of economic life
- roughly or crudely made
we made a rude shelter on the island
- rough or harsh in sound, appearance, or behaviour
- humble or lowly
- prenominal robust or sturdy
in rude health
- prenominal approximate or imprecise
a rude estimate
Derived Forms
- ˈrudely, adverb
- ˈrudeness, noun
Other Words From
- rudely adverb
- rudeness noun
- over·rude adjective
- over·rudely adverb
- over·rudeness noun
- un·rude adjective
- un·rudely adverb
Word History and Origins
Origin of rude1
Word History and Origins
Origin of rude1
Example Sentences
Residents in the community where a rugby club has come under fire for using a "not for girls" event slogan have branded the move "rude and sexist".
I did not care if it was rude.
They were selfish, rude, callous, and displayed a complete lack of basic human empathy.
He was not rude about Trump - he barely mentioned him by name - and suggested tensions would pass.
He also loses fans, longtime boosters fed up with his unhinged sideline behavior, his rude postgame rips, and even recent criticism directed toward those fans themselves.