
View synonyms for rule


[ rool ]


  1. a principle or regulation governing conduct, action, procedure, arrangement, etc.:

    the rules of chess.

    Synonyms: order, dictate, decree, regulation, law, guideline, bylaw, standard, precept

  2. the code of regulations observed by a religious order or congregation:

    the Franciscan rule.

  3. the customary or normal circumstance, occurrence, manner, practice, quality, etc.:

    the rule rather than the exception.

  4. control, government, or dominion:

    under the rule of a dictator.

    Synonyms: tyranny, oppression, mastery, domination, regulation, management, government, direction, sway, power, dominion, command, authority

  5. tenure or conduct of reign or office:

    during the rule of George III.

  6. a prescribed mathematical method for performing a calculation or solving a problem.
  7. Rule, Astronomy. the constellation Norma.
  8. Printing. a thin, type-high strip of metal, for printing a solid or decorative line or lines.
  9. Law.
    1. a formal order or direction made by a court, as for governing the procedure of the court general rule or for sending the case before a referee special rule.
    2. a legal principle.
    3. a court order in a particular case.
  10. rules, Penology. (formerly)
    1. a fixed area in the neighborhood of certain prisons within which certain prisoners were allowed to live.
    2. the freedom of such an area.
  11. Obsolete. behavior.

verb (used with object)

ruled, ruling.
  1. to control or direct; exercise dominating power, authority, or influence over; govern:

    to rule the empire with severity.

  2. to decide or declare judicially or authoritatively; decree:

    The judge ruled that he should be exiled.

    Synonyms: judge, dictate

  3. to mark with lines, especially parallel straight lines, with the aid of a ruler or the like:

    to rule paper.

  4. to mark out or form (a line) by this method:

    to rule lines on paper.

  5. to be superior or preeminent in (a specific field or group); dominate by superiority; hold sway over:

    For centuries, England ruled the seas.

verb (used without object)

ruled, ruling.
  1. to exercise dominating power or influence; predominate.
  2. to exercise authority, dominion, or sovereignty.
  3. to make a formal decision or ruling, as on a point at law.
  4. to be prevalent or current:

    Higher prices ruled throughout France.

verb phrase

    1. to prove to be unrelated or not for consideration; eliminate; exclude:

      to rule out the possibility of error.

    2. to make impossible or impracticable:

      The rainstorm ruled out the holiday camping.


/ ruːl /


  1. an authoritative regulation or direction concerning method or procedure, as for a court of law, legislative body, game, or other human institution or activity

    judges' rules

    play according to the rules

  2. the exercise of governmental authority or control

    the rule of Caesar

  3. the period of time in which a monarch or government has power

    his rule lasted 100 days

  4. a customary form or procedure; regular course of action

    he made a morning swim his rule

  5. the rule
    the common order of things; normal condition

    violence was the rule rather than the exception

  6. a prescribed method or procedure for solving a mathematical problem, or one constituting part of a computer program, usually expressed in an appropriate formalism
  7. a formal expression of a grammatical regularity in a linguistic description of a language
  8. any of various devices with a straight edge for guiding or measuring; ruler

    a carpenter's rule

    1. a printed or drawn character in the form of a long thin line
    2. another name for dash 1

      em rule

      en rule

    3. a strip of brass or other metal used to print such a line
  9. Christianity a systematic body of prescriptions defining the way of life to be followed by members of a religious order
  10. law an order by a court or judge
  11. as a rule
    normally or ordinarily
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. to exercise governing or controlling authority over (a people, political unit, individual, etc)

    he ruled for 20 years

    his passion for her ruled his life

  2. when tr, often takes a clause as object to decide authoritatively; decree

    the chairman ruled against the proposal

  3. tr to mark with straight parallel lines or make one straight line, as with a ruler

    to rule a margin

  4. tr to restrain or control

    to rule one's temper

  5. intr to be customary or prevalent

    chaos rules in this school

  6. intr to be pre-eminent or superior

    football rules in the field of sport

  7. tr astrology (of a planet) to have a strong affinity with certain human attributes, activities, etc, associated with (one or sometimes two signs of the zodiac)

    Mars rules Aries

  8. rule the roost or rule the roast
    to be pre-eminent; be in charge
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • ˈrulable, adjective
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Other Words From

  • inter·rule verb (used with object) interruled interruling
  • self-rule noun
  • subrule noun
  • under·rule noun
  • under·rule verb underruled underruling
  • un·ruled adjective
  • well-ruled adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of rule1

First recorded in 1175–1225; (noun) Middle English riule, reule, from Old French riule, from Latin rēgula “straight stick, pattern” ( regula ); (verb) Middle English riwlen, reulen, rewellen, from Old French riuler, rieuler, ruler, from Late Latin rēgulāre, derivative of rēgula
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Word History and Origins

Origin of rule1

C13: from Old French riule , from Latin rēgula a straight edge; see regulate
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Idioms and Phrases

  1. as a rule, generally; usually:

    He arrives at eleven o'clock, as a rule.

  2. rule the roost. roost ( def 7 ).

More idioms and phrases containing rule

  • as a rule
  • exception proves the rule
  • ground rules
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Synonym Study

See principle. Rule, administer, command, govern, manage mean to exercise authoritative guidance or direction. Rule implies the exercise of authority as by a sovereign: to rule a kingdom. Administer places emphasis on the planned and orderly procedures used: to administer the finances of an institution. Command suggests military authority and the power to exact obedience; to be in command of: to command a ship. To govern is authoritatively to guide or direct persons or things, especially in the affairs of a large administrative unit: to govern a state. To manage is to conduct affairs, i.e., to guide them in a unified way toward a definite goal, or to direct or control people, often by tact, address, or artifice: to manage a business.
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Example Sentences

Her strategy collapsed when the UK Supreme Court ruled that any future vote must be agreed with the UK government.

From BBC

He’s uninterested in the book’s driving point: Paul’s struggle to make sense of a world where petty rules have supplanted community and common sense.

In 2021, for example, the state legislature adopted rules allowing for wood coated with toxic metals like chromium and arsenic to be taken to nonhazardous waste facilities.

Civil society organizations are using the courts to slow down some of the Trump administration’s most egregious assaults on the rule of law and the Constitution.

From Salon

In 2022, the UK Supreme Court ruled that Holyrood did not have the power to stage another independence referendum - a move which has been blocked by the UK government.

From BBC


Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.




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