


[ sahr-din-ee-uh, -din-yuh ]


  1. a large island in the Mediterranean, W of Italy: with small nearby islands it comprises a department of Italy. 9,301 sq. mi. (24,090 sq. km).
  2. a former kingdom 1720–1860, including this island and Savoy, Piedmont, and Genoa (after 1815) in NW Italy: ruled by the House of Savoy. : Turin.


/ sɑːˈdɪnɪə /


  1. the second-largest island in the Mediterranean: forms, with offshore islands, an administrative region of Italy; ceded to Savoy by Austria in 1720 in exchange for Sicily and formed the Kingdom of Sardinia with Piedmont; became part of Italy in 1861. Capital: Cagliari. Pop: 1 637 639 (2003 est). Area: 24 089 sq km (9301 sq miles) Italian nameSardegna
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. Italian island in the Mediterranean Sea west of the mainland of Italy .
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The kingdom of Sardinia, which was founded in the early eighteenth century, became the nucleus of united Italy during the nineteenth century.
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Example Sentences

The way to do that, Terruzzin believes, would be to repurpose a low-cost water-storage system that his company, Energy Vault, has in operation at a former coal mine in Sardinia, Italy.

The mother of a British holidaymaker who vanished in Sardinia says she is still "living in limbo" five months after her son disappeared.

From BBC

The couple had a wedding ceremony in Sardinia in September but have since married again in a service officiated by Wilson's sister.

From BBC

But the roadmap for such collective action here — technically, Sardinia is an "autonomous region" of Italy, with its own government — presents a new path forward as a European climate leader on different terms.

From Salon

The project was called AKEA, short for a kent’annos, a traditional expression in Sardinia that can be loosely translated as “may you live to 100.”




