

View synonyms for scoria


[ skawr-ee-uh, skohr- ]


plural scoriae
  1. Metallurgy. the refuse, dross, or slag left after melting or smelting metal; scum.
  2. Geology. a cinderlike basic cellular lava.


/ ˈskɔːrɪə; ˌskɔːrɪˈeɪʃəs /


  1. a rough cindery crust on top of solidified lava flows containing numerous vesicles
  2. refuse obtained from smelted ore; slag
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ skôrē-ə /

, Plural scoriae skôrē-ē′

  1. Rough, crusty, solidified lava containing numerous vesicles that originated as gas bubbles in the lava while it was still molten.
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Derived Forms

  • scoriaceous, adjective
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Other Words From

  • sco·ri·a·ceous [skawr-ee-, ey, -sh, uh, s, skohr-], adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of scoria1

1350–1400; Middle English < Latin scōria < Greek skōría, derivative of skôr dung
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Word History and Origins

Origin of scoria1

C17: from Latin: dross, from Greek skōria, from skōr excrement
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Example Sentences

The large cylindrical pukaos are made of red volcanic rock called scoria, while the Moai heads are carved from volcanic tuff.

From BBC

The area shown here has distinctive landforms that include explosively-formed maar craters, lava domes built by viscous lava flows, and scoria or cinder cones formed around a single volcanic vent.

The researchers are convinced that these are true volcanic cones, similar to common volcanoes on Earth known as scoria cones and tuff cones.

Soon the deep green of durum wheat fields and shocking yellow of canola give way to rectangular lots of red scoria gravel studded with drilling rigs and horse head pumps.

Red scoria gravel drill pads are being laid down at a rate of 200 a month.


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