

View synonyms for self-help


[ self-help, self- ]


  1. the act of providing for or helping or the ability to provide for or help oneself without assistance from others.
  2. Law. the act or right of remedying a wrong, without resorting to legal proceedings.
  3. the acquiring of information or the solving of one's problems, especially those of a psychological nature, without the direct supervision of professionals or experts, as by independent reading or by joining or forming lay groups that are devoted to one's interests or goals.


  1. of or relating to a book, article, home study course, or the like, offering an individual information or counseling intended to be personally beneficial or profitable:

    self-help books on overcoming shyness.



  1. the act or state of providing the means to help oneself without relying on the assistance of others
    1. the practice of solving one's problems by joining or forming a group designed to help those suffering from a particular problem
    2. ( as modifier )

      a self-help group

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Other Words From

  • self-helper noun
  • self-helpful self-helping adjective
  • self-helpful·ness noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of self-help1

First recorded in 1825–35
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Example Sentences

“In self-help culture, ‘growth’ is very romanticized where you do breathwork and meditate, and then you mature into this philosophic version of yourself.

He credits his mental well-being to therapy, meditation, self-help books and a supportive, close-knit group of confidants, each of whom wears a matching friendship bracelet, which he is proudly wearing today.

In the first season, Ricken’s nonsensical self-help book, “The You You Are,” somehow gets into the hands of Mark's “Innie” and sparks his yen for dissent.

From Salon

I also love to walk while listening to true crime, self-help and food-related podcasts.

But it also meanders quite a lot, and is somewhere between a self-help book and a stream of anecdotes.

From BBC




