


or set point

[ set-point ]


  1. the desired value in a closed-loop feedback system, as in regulation of temperature or pressure.
  2. the point at which a thermostat has been set, as for optimum efficiency.
  3. Physiology. an internal regulatory system for maintaining a relatively stable physiological condition in the face of changing external circumstances, as body temperature in a varying climate. Compare homeostasis.
  4. a hypothetical regulator in the body that maintains a relatively stable body weight.
  5. the weight range thus theoretically maintained.

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Word History and Origins

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Example Sentences

In the U.S., medical device company SetPoint Medical is currently running clinical trials using VNS to combat rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammatory condition of the joints.

A company co-founded by Tracey — SetPoint Medical in Valencia, California — is testing pill-sized vagus-nerve stimulators, implanted in the vagus nerve in the neck, in autoimmune diseases including Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

A blistering forehand into the right corner gave her setpoint and she took the first set with one of her 13 aces.

Interestingly, the body temperature of animals that had QRFP-neuron-induced hypothermia was still regulated, but around a lower setpoint.

From Nature

Still, what’s more seductive than the idea that we can change our setpoint: the number on the scale, give or take 10 or 15 pounds, that our body seems to return to again and again?





set pieceset point