

View synonyms for seventh heaven

seventh heaven


  1. (especially in Islam and the cabala) the highest heaven, where God and the most exalted angels dwell.
  2. a state of intense happiness; bliss:

    We were in seventh heaven in our new home.

seventh heaven


  1. the final state of eternal bliss, esp according to Talmudic and Muslim eschatology
  2. a state of supreme happiness
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of seventh heaven1

First recorded in 1810–20
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Word History and Origins

Origin of seventh heaven1

C19: so named from the belief that there are seven levels of heaven, the seventh and most exalted being the abode of God and the angels
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Example Sentences

When he arrived bringing in half of his Oklahoma team with him, including a Heisman quarterback, and went 11-3 in his first year, I’m sure Trojan fans were in seventh heaven.

“That last win put me over the top,” Mr. Ammiano said, and when he was told he had earned a varsity letter, Mr. Ammiano recalled, “I went to seventh heaven.”

He’s in seventh heaven when he’s whipping up a crowd.

I’m aware that Rosa is in seventh heaven; that random strangers are talking to her and treating her like a friend.

"When we let them sit in the driver's cabin and touch the wheel, they were in seventh heaven," Gad says, in his book Mossad Exodus.

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