[ suh-veer ]
- harsh; unnecessarily extreme:
severe criticism; severe laws.
- serious or stern in manner or appearance:
a severe face.
Synonyms: grim, forbidding, dour, austere, punitive, draconian, rigorous, rigid, heavy-handed, strict
- threatening a seriously bad outcome or involving serious issues; grave:
a severe illness.
- rigidly restrained in style, taste, manner, etc.; simple, plain, or austere.
- causing discomfort or distress by extreme character or conditions, as weather, cold, or heat; unpleasantly violent, as rain or wind, or a blow or shock.
- difficult to endure, perform, fulfill, etc.:
a severe test of his powers.
- rigidly exact, accurate, or methodical:
severe standards.
Antonyms: facile, effortless, easy
/ sɪˈvɪə; sɪˈvɛrɪtɪ /
- rigorous or harsh in the treatment of others; strict
a severe parent
- serious in appearance or manner; stern
- critical or dangerous
a severe illness
- causing misery or discomfort by its harshness
severe weather
- strictly restrained in appearance; austere
a severe way of dressing
- hard to endure, perform, or accomplish
a severe test
- rigidly precise or exact
Derived Forms
- seˈverely, adverb
- seˈvereness, noun
Other Words From
- se·vere·ly adverb
- se·vere·ness noun
- o·ver·se·vere adjective
- o·ver·se·vere·ness noun
- su·per·se·vere adjective
- su·per·se·vere·ness noun
- un·se·vere adjective
- un·se·vere·ness noun
Word History and Origins
Word History and Origins
Origin of severe1
Synonym Study
Example Sentences
There was also evidence of increasing levels of severe mental health problems.
The BLA has warned of "severe consequences" if an attempt is made to rescue hostages.
Cladribine can help people with the active relapsing-remitting version of the disease, as well as more severe, highly active MS, for which it is already used, says drug advisory body NICE.
The court was told that an earlier medical intervention may have briefly prolonged her life, but her injuries were so severe that it would have been impossible to save her.
"The environmental toll could be severe," he said.