

View synonyms for sex crime

sex crime


  1. an illegal sexual act, activity, or behavior.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of sex crime1

First recorded in 1895–1900
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Example Sentences

A former Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department custody assistant pleaded no contest to committing sex crimes against an inmate in a Lancaster jail cell in 2019.

Three of those men have since been convicted of sex crimes.

The prosecutor says no weapon has been found, that there's no obvious sign of a burglary nor evidence that Andrew put up a fight, nor of a sex crime.

From BBC

On June 22, 2023, Mitchell presided over a case involving Stuart Cooper Young, who was charged with sex crimes against children.

The White House and ICE have publicised some of these arrests, showing pictures of the suspects and providing details of their countries of origin and crimes, which have included sex crimes, assaults and drug-trafficking offences.

From BBC


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