

View synonyms for sickout


[ sik-out ]


  1. an organized absence from work by employees on the pretext of sickness, as to avoid the legal problems or antistrike clauses that would be invoked in the case of a formal strike.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of sickout1

1950–55; probably sick 1 + (walk)out
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Example Sentences

In May, bus drivers held a sickout in protest of the number of attacks on operators.

If the “sickout” continued, union penalties could have included daily fines of up to $50,000 for the organization and $1,000 per day for union officers, as well as jail time, suspension or termination for strike participants.

On Nov. 10, the team executed a one-day sickout.

Scores of Democratic legislative workers — who are not allowed to lobby for themselves under state law — held a one-day sickout in protest.

While the Senate bill died without much fanfare, the failure of HB 1806, the House version, to survive past a key deadline ignited a revolt among Democratic staffers, dozens of whom staged a sickout Feb. 16 in protest.




