

View synonyms for skeleton


[ skel-i-tn ]


  1. Anatomy, Zoology. the bones of a human or an animal considered as a whole, together forming the framework of the body.
  2. any of various structures forming a rigid framework in an invertebrate.
  3. an emaciated person or animal.
  4. a supporting framework, as of a leaf, building, or ship.
  5. an outline, as of a literary work:

    the skeleton of the plot.

  6. something reduced to its essential parts.


  1. of or relating to a skeleton.
  2. like or being a mere framework; reduced to the essential or minimal parts or numbers:

    a skeleton staff.


/ ˈskɛlɪtən /


  1. a hard framework consisting of inorganic material that supports and protects the soft parts of an animal's body and provides attachment for muscles: may be internal (an endoskeleton), as in vertebrates, or external( an exoskeleton), as in arthropods See also endoskeleton exoskeleton
  2. informal.
    a very thin emaciated person or animal
  3. the essential framework of any structure, such as a building or leaf, that supports or determines the shape of the rest of the structure
  4. an outline consisting of bare essentials

    the skeleton of a novel

  5. modifier reduced to a minimum

    a skeleton staff

  6. skeleton in the cupboard or skeleton in the closet
    a scandalous fact or event in the past that is kept secret
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ skĕlĭ-tn /

  1. The internal structure of vertebrate animals, composed of bone or cartilage, that supports the body, serves as a framework for the attachment of muscles, and protects the vital organs and associated structures.
  2. A hard protective covering or supporting structure of invertebrate animals.
  3. See also endoskeleton
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Derived Forms

  • ˈskeleton-ˌlike, adjective
  • ˈskeletal, adjective
  • ˈskeletally, adverb
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Other Words From

  • skele·ton·less adjective
  • skele·ton·like adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of skeleton1

1570–80; < New Latin < Greek: mummy, noun use of neuter of skeletós dried up, verbid of skéllein to dry
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Word History and Origins

Origin of skeleton1

C16: via New Latin from Greek: something desiccated, from skellein to dry up
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Idioms and Phrases

  1. skeleton at the feast, a person or thing that casts gloom over a joyful occasion; a note or reminder of sorrow in the midst of joy.
  2. skeleton in the closet / cupboard,
    1. a family scandal that is concealed to avoid public disgrace.
    2. any embarrassing, shameful, or damaging secret.
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Example Sentences

The true size of the megalodon will remain open for debate unless a complete fossilized skeleton is discovered, Cooper said.

From Salon

Analysis has now revealed it to be 166 million years old - and the most complete dinosaur skeleton found in Scotland so far.

From BBC

Now only a skeleton crew of permanent staff will venture into the vast landscape, according to Levi.

Dr. Robert Mann, a forensic anthropologist at the University of Hawaii, has examined somewhere between 15,000 and 20,000 human skulls and skeletons over a storied career, mostly focusing on modern remains.

From Salon

The skeleton of the piano was barely distinguishable, marked by a metal plate bearing the name “Steinway” and some scorched metal strings.


Related Words

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More About Skeleton The Sport

What is the sport of skeleton?

Skeleton is a sport in which an individual racer rides a small, railed sled headfirst down an ice-covered chute with the goal of reaching the finish line as quickly as possible. The sled itself is also called a skeleton.

The sport is sometimes also called skeleton sledding. The sled is sometimes called a skeleton bobsled or skeleton bobsleigh. Racers steer by making slight shifts in their body position. To slow down, racers can drag a foot on the ice.

Skeleton is known as one of the sliding sports, along with luge and bobsleigh (also called bobsled), which take place on a similar course. In skeleton, racers ride on their stomachs, in contrast with luge, in which racers lie on their backs.

Skeleton is an event in the Winter Olympics.

Due to the vulnerable position of the athletes and the extremely high speeds they can reach—over 80 mph (129 km/h)—skeleton is considered one of the most dangerous winter sports.

Example: Skeleton seems very similar to luge, but the strategies used in each sport are actually quite different.

Where does skeleton come from?

The sport of skeleton and its name can be traced to the late 1800s. The sled may get its name from the skeletal appearance of early versions.

The sport was developed in the 1880s in Switzerland, where it was popularized at the Cresta Run, a famous toboggan and luge slope. In the late 1880s, competitions there began featuring skeleton as an independent event (separate from the similar luge).

Skeleton was featured at the Winter Olympics first in 1928 and then again in 1948—both years when the Winter Games were hosted in Switzerland. The event was added to the Winter Olympics again in 2002 and has been featured at every one since.

Did you know ... ?

What are some synonyms for skeleton (the sport)?

  • skeleton sledding

What are some synonyms for skeleton (the sled)?

  • skeleton sled
  • skeleton bobsled
  • skeleton bobsleigh

What are some words that often get used in discussing skeleton?

How is skeleton used in real life?

Skeleton is known as one of the most dangerous winter sports. It is especially popular in its birthplace, Switzerland, and nearby countries. It often enters greater mainstream awareness around the time of the Winter Olympics


Try using skeleton!

True or False? 

The sleds in skeleton have brakes.

Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.




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