[ skep-ti-kuhl ]
- inclined to skepticism; having an attitude of doubt:
a skeptical young woman who will question whatever you say.
Synonyms: skeptic
- doubtful about a particular thing:
My teacher thinks I can get a scholarship, but I'm skeptical.
- showing doubt:
a skeptical smile.
- denying or questioning the tenets of a religion:
a skeptical approach to the nature of miracles.
Synonyms: unbelieving
- (initial capital letter) of or relating to Skeptics or Skepticism.
Other Words From
- skepti·cal·ly adverb
- skepti·cal·ness noun
- anti·skepti·cal adjective
- non·skepti·cal adjective
- over·skepti·cal adjective
- over·skepti·cal·ly adverb
- over·skepti·cal·ness noun
- un·skepti·cal adjective
- un·skepti·cal·ly adverb
Word History and Origins
Origin of skeptical1
Synonym Study
Example Sentences
Faruq is understandably skeptical of all of it, especially the ways Odo seems gifted at extracting donations from very wealthy and devoted followers.
No, Trump's plea resembels that of a lovesick woman angrily defending her worthless boyfriend to skeptical friends.
The decision would effectively end even the pretense of the court’s status as a guardian of the Constitution, which makes me skeptical that any of the justices besides Alito and Thomas would back it.
I also am skeptical the corpse was a victim of a gunshot.
But some are skeptical about how far Burgum, the former governor of North Dakota and GOP presidential primary candidate, will go.