[ skim-er ]
- a person or thing that skims: an adept stone skimmer.
skimmers who just glance at the text;
an adept stone skimmer.
- a shallow utensil, usually perforated, used in skimming liquids.
- an electronic device used surreptitiously to appropriate information from the magnetic strip on a credit or debit card for illegal use:
Authorities have verified that skimmers were secretly installed at several local gas pumps.
- any of several gull-like birds of the family Rynchopidae, that skim the water with the elongated lower mandible immersed while in search of food.
- a stiff, wide-brimmed hat with a shallow flat crown, usually made of straw.
- a woman's A-line dress with side darts that shape it slightly to the body.
/ ˈskɪmə /
- a person or thing that skims
- any of several mainly tropical coastal aquatic birds of the genus Rhynchops, having long narrow wings and a bill with an elongated lower mandible for skimming food from the surface of the water: family Rynchopidae, order Charadriiformes
- a flat perforated spoon used for skimming fat from liquids
Word History and Origins
Example Sentences
Some have asked for more efficient trash skimmers that could help prevent waste from clogging the treatment plant.
In addition, Trans Mountain paid on behalf of its shippers for dozens of additional oil skimmers, landing craft, response barges and to hire more spill response staff at multiple bases between Vancouver Harbour and Ucluelet.
Credit card numbers can be stolen by illegal “skimmers,” devices installed at gas station pumps, ATMs and other locations.
The Navy has also kept a skimmer on standby so it can remove any pollutants quickly.
A retail employee making minimum wage might attach a skimmer to a gas pump.