

social justice

[ soh-shuhl juhs-tis ]


  1. fair treatment of all people in a society, including respect for the rights of minorities and equitable distribution of resources among members of a community.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of social justice1

First recorded in 1825–30
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Example Sentences

“Most people don’t even read those terms of use,” said Lindsay Nako, executive director of Impact Fund, a social justice litigation group — yet the click-to-agree contracts tightly control what happens if they’re injured.

The inquiry into social justice merely continued down more inward byways.

Kent used her art to convey messages of hope and social justice.

She said the narrative around her — a white woman who assumed a Native American identity to acquire resources or access — does not reflect the motivations behind her work for social justice.

At the forefront of this effort is Unión del Barrio, an independent political organization advocating for immigrant rights and social justice.





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