

View synonyms for soprano


[ suh-pran-oh, -prah-noh ]


plural sopranos.
  1. the uppermost part or voice.
  2. the highest singing voice in women and boys.
  3. a part for such a voice.
  4. a singer with such a voice.


  1. of or relating to a soprano; having the compass of a soprano.


/ səˈprɑːnəʊ /


  1. the highest adult female voice, having a range approximately from middle C to the A a thirteenth above it
  2. the voice of a young boy before puberty
  3. a singer with such a voice
  4. the highest part of a piece of harmony
    1. the highest or second highest instrument in a family of instruments
    2. ( as modifier )

      a soprano saxophone

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. The highest range of the female singing voice. ( Compare alto and mezzo soprano .)
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Word History and Origins

Origin of soprano1

1720–30; < Italian: literally, what is above, high, equivalent to sopra (< Latin suprā above) + -ano adj. suffix
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Word History and Origins

Origin of soprano1

C18: from Italian, from sopra above, from Latin suprā
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Example Sentences

While Grande was "tentative about her soprano," Schwartz recalled, "those sessions were really fun because, as they went on and she could hear how well she was doing, it became exciting and fun for her."

From Salon

There’s a purity to Salonga’s lyric soprano, which fills the Ahmanson with the distinctive glow not just of the song she happens to be singing but of the musical from which it derives.

In ‘Maria,’ the film itself becomes an opera about the betrayal and manipulation of soprano Maria Callas, notes cinematographer Edward Lachman.

Callas was a US-born Greek soprano, and one of opera's best-known singers.

From BBC

A few weeks before the world would get to see her play Maria Callas, the venerated soprano, Angelina Jolie was savoring her own night at the opera.


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sopraninosoprano clef