

View synonyms for soup-to-nuts


[ soop-tuh-nuhts ]


  1. (of a meal) complete or impressive in number of courses.
  2. Informal. complete; all-inclusive.

soup to nuts

  1. To include or cover everything, as in a full, multicourse meal: “The lecture on weather forecasting covered everything from soup to nuts.”
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Word History and Origins

Origin of soup-to-nuts1

An Americanism dating back to 1935–40
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Example Sentences

Rather than assemble a soup-to-nuts tale hamstrung by chronology, he shrewdly offers up her story as an all-star revue about her ascent.

ServiceTitan counts about 8,000 contracting firms as customers, providing a soup-to-nuts software package that can manage booking appointments, generating estimates and processing invoices as well as payroll and dispatching workers.

Two decades later, that idea has morphed into a Glendale company called ServiceTitan, which last year served some 8,000 plumbing, HVAC, janitorial and other firms with a soup-to-nuts software suite — and now plans to go public on Nasdaq under the ticker “TTAN.”

The primary challenge to Bost isn’t a soup-to-nuts Gaetz operation.

From Slate

It might remove incentive for the kind of boring soup-to-nuts biopics that used to show up a lot at the Oscars, though they’ve fallen off lately, and bring more inventive biographical films, like the ones we’ve been lucky enough to see this year, to the foreground.





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