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[ spi-sif-ik ]


  1. having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite:

    to state one's specific purpose.

  2. specified, precise, or particular:

    a specific sum of money.

    Antonyms: vague

  3. peculiar or proper to somebody or something, as qualities, characteristics, effects, etc.:

    His specific problems got him into trouble.

  4. of a special or particular kind.
  5. concerned specifically with the item or subject named (used in combination):

    The Secretary addressed himself to crop-specific problems.

  6. Biology. of or relating to a species:

    specific characters.

  7. Medicine/Medical.
    1. (of a disease) produced by a special cause or infection.
    2. (of a remedy) having special effect in the prevention or cure of a certain disease.
  8. Immunology. (of an antibody or antigen) having a particular effect on only one antibody or antigen or affecting it in only one way.
  9. Commerce. noting customs or duties levied in fixed amounts per unit, as number, weight, or volume.
  10. Physics.
    1. designating a physical constant that, for a particular substance, is expressed as the ratio of the quantity in the substance to the quantity in an equal volume of a standard substance, as water or air.
    2. designating a physical constant that expresses a property or effect as a quantity per unit length, area, volume, or mass.


  1. something specific, as a statement, quality, detail, etc.
  2. Medicine/Medical. a specific remedy:

    There is no specific for the common cold.


/ spɪˈsɪfɪk; ˌspɛsɪˈfɪsɪtɪ /


  1. explicit, particular, or definite

    please be more specific

  2. relating to a specified or particular thing

    a specific treatment for arthritis

  3. of or relating to a biological species

    specific differences

  4. (of a disease) caused by a particular pathogenic agent
  5. physics
    1. characteristic of a property of a particular substance, esp in relation to the same property of a standard reference substance

      specific gravity

    2. characteristic of a property of a particular substance per unit mass, length, area, volume, etc

      specific heat

    3. (of an extensive physical quantity) divided by mass

      specific volume

      specific heat capacity

  6. Also (rare)specifical commerce denoting a tariff levied at a fixed sum per unit of weight, quantity, volume, etc, irrespective of value
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. sometimes plural a designated quality, thing, etc
  2. med any drug used to treat a particular disease
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • speˈcifically, adverb
  • specificity, noun
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Other Words From

  • spe·cifi·cal·ly adverb
  • nonspe·cifi·cal·ly adverb
  • prespe·cific adjective
  • prespe·cifi·cal·ly adverb
  • unspe·cific adjective
  • unspe·cifi·cal·ly adverb
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Word History and Origins

Origin of specific1

First recorded in 1625–35; from Medieval Latin specificus, equivalent to Latin speci(ēs) species + -ficus -fic
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Word History and Origins

Origin of specific1

C17: from Medieval Latin specificus, from Latin species
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Synonym Study

See special.
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Example Sentences

The new combination therapy pill works by blocking specific hormones that contribute to the condition, while also providing replacement hormones that are needed.

From BBC

Trump has also threatened tariffs - which are taxes applied to goods as they enter a country - on a range of more specific items, including copper, lumber and cars.

From BBC

A revival directed by Jeanine was Charles’ specific dying wish, and beginning with Charles’ posthumous request, Egoyan slowly unspools a wicked yarn that runs through the film’s final moments.

From Salon

Documents published alongside the Budget said the office would be "undertaking value-for-money studies in specific high-risk areas of cross-departmental spending and scrutinising investment proposals".

From BBC

Still, the actor was able to find specifics to “Black Bag’s” George that differed from Martian.




