


[ stan-uh-ree ]


plural stannaries.
  1. a tin-mining region or district.
  2. a place where tin is mined or smelted.


/ ˈstænərɪ /


  1. a place or region where tin is mined or worked
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of stannary1

1425–75; late Middle English < Medieval Latin stannāria tin mine, equivalent to Late Latin stann ( um ) stannum + -āria -ary
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Word History and Origins

Origin of stannary1

C15: from Medieval Latin stannāria , from Late Latin: stannum , tin
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Example Sentences

Pendlebury, 35, of Stannary Lane, Plympton and Yeates, 34, also of Stannary Lane, did not enter a plea or appear at the court.

From BBC

It has its own language, and has traditionally had its own assembly, the Stannary Parliament, set up in 1201 to protect the rights of the county’s tin miners.

Some locals point to a resolution passed by the Stannary Parliament of 1508 giving Cornwall the right to veto unwanted legislation from Westminster.

Apart from goldfields, by far the most important and productive of 148 these areas is the tract of country which forms the hinterland of the port of Cairns—a tract which includes the tin-mining centres of Herberton, Stannary Hills, Irvinebank, Nymbool, and Reid's Creek; the copper and silver-lead mines of Chillagoe and Mungana; the copper mines of Mount Molloy and O.K.; the wolfram, molybdenite, and bismuth mines of Wolfram Camp, Bamford, and Mount Carbine; and the antimony deposits of the Mitchell River.

Stann′ous, containing tin.—Stannary courts, courts in Cornwall for the tin-miners.




