


[ stat-uh-blast ]


  1. (in certain bryozoans) an asexually produced group of cells encased in a chitinous covering that can survive unfavorable conditions, as freezing or drought, and germinate to produce a new colony.


/ ˈstætəʊˌblɑːst /


  1. zoology an encapsulated bud produced asexually by certain bryozoans that can survive adverse conditions and that gives rise to a new colony
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of statoblast1

1850–55; stato- (combining form of Greek statós standing; akin to status, static ) + -blast
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Example Sentences

A=outline of part of zoarium from a stone, � 16; B=outline of the tip of a single zoœcium, � 70; C=free statoblast, � 70.

He found that each statoblast produced in the first instance a single polypide, and that the statoblasts, which were produced in autumn, lay dormant through the winter and germinated in spring.

A=outline of a zoarium with the polypides expanded, as seen from below through glass to which it was attached, � 4; B=outline of a zoarium with the polypides highly contracted, as seen from above, � 4; C=statoblast, � 75.

This variety differs from the typical form in having fewer tentacles and in the fact that the marginal processes of the statoblast are abortive or absent.

The abortive structure of these processes in var. himalayana points to an arrest of development, for they are the last part of the statoblast to be formed.




