[ stool ]
- a single seat on legs or a pedestal and without arms or a back.
- a short, low support on which to stand, step, kneel, or rest the feet while sitting.
- Horticulture. the stump, base, or root of a plant from which propagative organs are produced, as shoots for layering.
- the base of a plant that annually produces new stems or shoots.
- a cluster of shoots or stems springing up from such a base or from any root, or a single shoot or layer.
- a bird fastened to a pole or perch and used as a decoy.
- an artificial duck or other bird, usually made from wood, used as a decoy by hunters.
- a privy.
- the fecal matter evacuated at each movement of the bowels.
- the sill of a window.
- a bishop's seat considered as symbolic of his authority; see.
- the sacred chair of certain African chiefs, symbolic of their kingship.
verb (used without object)
- to put forth shoots from the base or root, as a plant; form a stool.
- Slang. to turn informer; serve as a stool pigeon.
/ stuːl /
- a backless seat or footrest consisting of a small flat piece of wood, etc, resting on three or four legs, a pedestal, etc
- a rootstock or base of a plant, usually a woody plant, from which shoots, etc, are produced
- a cluster of shoots growing from such a base
- a decoy used in hunting
- waste matter evacuated from the bowels
- a lavatory seat
- (in W Africa, esp Ghana) a chief's throne
- fall between two stools
- to fail through vacillation between two alternatives
- to be in an unsatisfactory situation through not belonging to either of two categories or groups
- (of a plant) to send up shoots from the base of the stem, rootstock, etc
- to lure wildfowl with a decoy
Other Words From
- stoollike adjective
Word History and Origins
Word History and Origins
Origin of stool1
Idioms and Phrases
- fall between two stools, to fail, through hesitation or indecision, to select either of two alternatives.
More idioms and phrases containing stool
In addition to the idiom beginning with stool , also see fall between the cracks (two stools) .Example Sentences
Dressed in a sari, with eyes downcast, she sits down on a wooden stool facing her interrogators.
Because the space was so small, performers were forced to stand on tables, spin on bar stools and weave through the crowd.
She was taken into a small room where there "was only a bed, a tiny stool and a worktop", and that is where she says she first met Ricky Sawyer.
If racing becomes a three-legged stool, the chances of collapse are major.
The man at the hotel bar slid off his stool and turned, offering his hand.
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.