
View synonyms for submarine


[ noun suhb-muh-reen, suhb-muh-reen; adjective verb suhb-muh-reen ]


  1. a vessel that can be submerged and navigated under water, usually built for warfare and armed with torpedoes or guided missiles.
  2. something situated or living under the surface of the sea, as a plant or animal.
  3. Chiefly Northeastern and North Midland U.S. a hero sandwich.


  1. situated, occurring, operating, or living under the surface of the sea:

    a submarine mountain.

  2. of, relating to, or carried on by a submarine or submarines:

    submarine warfare.

verb (used without object)

submarined, submarining.
  1. to participate in the operating of a submarine.
  2. to move or slide under something.
  3. Slang.
    1. to be thrown under the steering wheel of the vehicle one is driving during a frontal crash.
    2. to be thrown out of one's seat belt in such a crash.

verb (used with object)

submarined, submarining.
  1. to attack or sink by submarine.


/ ˈsʌbməˌriːn; ˌsʌbməˈriːn /


  1. a vessel, esp one designed for warfare, capable of operating for protracted periods below the surface of the sea Often shortened tosub
  2. modifier
    1. of or relating to a submarine

      a submarine captain

    2. occurring or situated below the surface of the sea

      a submarine cable

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Other Words From

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Word History and Origins

Origin of submarine1

1640–50; 1895–1900 submarine fordef 1; sub- + marine
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Example Sentences

Currently France has just short of 300 nuclear warheads, which can be fired from France-based aircraft or from submarines.

From BBC

Only this one relies heavily on technology rather than memorabilia or elaborately designed sets that have placed us anywhere from a prison to a submarine.

Biographer Walter Isaacson wrote that Musk once cut off the Ukrainian military’s access to Starlink to thwart a submarine drone attack against Russia.

BAE Systems' Janet Garner said it would play an "important part" in equipping employees with the "skills and experience to deliver our current and future submarines programmes".

From BBC

Discussions about renaming the submarine - which is being built in Barrow, Cumbria - started more than a year ago - while Shapps was still in office.

From BBC


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