


[ suhn-bath, -bahth ]


plural sunbaths
  1. deliberate exposure of the body to the direct rays of the sun or a sunlamp.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of sunbath1

First recorded in 1870–75; sun + bath 1
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Example Sentences

Then on Aug. 12, a teenage Reggie crawled out of the water for a sunbath, and a city lost its mind.

And once you’ve taken the time to look at Australia beyond a Bondi Beach sunbath or working up the courage to ask what “root” means, you will see the breadth of what this country has to explore, particularly when it comes to food.

From Salon

One afternoon I looked down from the lift to see a man in full gear, skis on but planted firmly in the snow, lying on his back with his hands behind his head taking a mid-run sunbath.

The crew descended to the planet's orange and brown surface for a refreshing sunbath, and waited.

From Nature

A sunbath, thought to be the ultimate Kryptonite, turned him into a crispy critter but failed to finish him.





sunbakedsun bath