[ surj ]
- a strong, wavelike, forward movement, rush, or sweep:
the onward surge of an angry mob.
- a strong, swelling, wavelike volume or body of something:
a billowing surge of smoke.
- a sudden, strong increase or burst:
a surge of energy; surges of emotion.
- Military. a significant increase in the number of troops deployed to an area.
- the rolling swell of the sea.
- the swelling and rolling sea:
The surge crashed against the rocky coast.
- a swelling wave; billow.
- Meteorology.
- a widespread change in atmospheric pressure that is in addition to cyclonic and normal diurnal changes.
- Electricity.
- a sudden rush or burst of current or voltage.
- a violent oscillatory disturbance.
- Nautical. a slackening or slipping back, as of a rope or cable.
- Machinery.
- an uneven flow and strong momentum given to a fluid, as water in a tank, resulting in a rapid, temporary rise in pressure.
- pulsating unevenness of motion in an engine or gas turbine.
verb (used without object)
- (of a ship) to rise and fall, toss about, or move along on the waves:
to surge at anchor.
- to rise, roll, move, or swell forward in or like waves:
The sea surged against the shore. The crowd surged back and forth.
- to rise as if by a heaving or swelling force:
Blood surged to his face.
- Electricity.
- to increase suddenly, as current or voltage.
- to oscillate violently.
- Nautical.
- to slack off or loosen a rope or cable around a capstan or windlass.
- to slip back, as a rope.
- Machinery. to move with pulsating unevenness, as something driven by an engine or gas turbine.
verb (used with object)
- to cause to surge or roll in or as in waves.
- Nautical. to slacken (a rope).
/ sɜːdʒ /
- a strong rush or sweep; sudden increase
a surge of anger
- the rolling swell of the sea, esp after the passage of a large wave
- a heavy rolling motion or sound
the surge of the trumpets
- an undulating rolling surface, as of hills
- a billowing cloud or volume
- nautical a temporary release or slackening of a rope or cable
- a large momentary increase in the voltage or current in an electric circuit
- an upward instability or unevenness in the power output of an engine
- astronomy a short-lived disturbance, occurring during the eruption of a solar flare
- intr (of waves, the sea, etc) to rise or roll with a heavy swelling motion
- intr to move like a heavy sea
- nautical to slacken or temporarily release (a rope or cable) from a capstan or (of a rope, etc) to be slackened or released and slip back
- intr (of an electric current or voltage) to undergo a large momentary increase
- to cause to move in or as if in a wave or waves
/ sûrj /
- A coastal rise in water level caused by wind.
Derived Forms
- ˈsurgeless, adjective
- ˈsurger, noun
Other Words From
- un·surging adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of surge1
Word History and Origins
Origin of surge1
Example Sentences
Medtail joins another category of tenants intended to attract visitors known as experiential retail, which has also surged in popularity since the pandemic as people eager to amuse themselves among friends sought out group activities.
Pediatricians and public health experts said they’ve seen a surge in requests for “bonus” doses of measles immunization following the death of an unvaccinated six-year-old in West Texas last week.
New business start-ups and corporate profits are surging.
In a statement dated March 8, officials from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation cited a “surge” in violence directed at both inmates and staff as the reason for the crackdown at 11 prisons.
There were more than 8,000 outage reports from UK users shortly before 14:00 GMT, following a brief but notable surge of reports on Monday morning.