


or va·kil

[ vuh-keel ]


Indian English.
  1. a lawyer, agent, or representative.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of vakeel1

First recorded in 1615–25; from Hindi vakēl, from Arabic wakīl
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Example Sentences

Vakeel Ahmed Siddiqui, who carries scars from two bullet wounds, says "gloom has descended on the community in Malyana".

From BBC

Vakeel, who goes by one name, has been working as a driver for Inox since 1994.

From Reuters

Every now and then they would come to a standstill, and the bride’s vakeel would refuse to go a step further till more money had been paid, and after a great deal of shouting, gesticulating, and wrangling, the bridegroom’s vakeel would end by throwing some coins into the other’s hand, and then the procession would proceed for a few steps till blocked once more, while the whole process of bargaining was gone through again.

The lights were burning brightly in the bazaars as we rode through them, and except a few groups gathered to discuss the price of rice and the want of rain, we perceived no agitation till we reached the Vakeel's house.

To clothe his paste-paper gallery, Scarfe borrowed from London's elegantly In Savita shop, owned by Mrs. Meher Vakeel, who lent her own gold-and-silver-threaded theater coat for John's raiment.




