View synonyms for vibrate
[ vahy-breyt ]
verb (used without object)
vibrated, vibrating.
- to move rhythmically and steadily to and fro, as a pendulum; oscillate.
- to move to and fro or up and down quickly and repeatedly; quiver; tremble.
- (of sounds) to produce or have a quivering or vibratory effect; resound.
Synonyms: echo
- to thrill, as in emotional response.
- to move between alternatives or extremes; fluctuate; vacillate.
verb (used with object)
vibrated, vibrating.
- to cause to move rhythmically and steadily to and fro, swing, or oscillate.
- to cause to move to and fro or up and down quickly and repeatedly; cause to quiver or tremble.
- to give forth or emit by, or as by, vibration.
- to measure or indicate by vibration or oscillation:
a pendulum vibrating seconds.
/ vaɪˈbreɪt; ˈvaɪbrəˌtaɪl /
- to move or cause to move back and forth rapidly; shake, quiver, or throb
- intr to oscillate
- to send out (a sound) by vibration; resonate or cause to resonate
- intr to waver
- physics to undergo or cause to undergo an oscillatory or periodic process, as of an alternating current; oscillate
- rare.intr to respond emotionally; thrill
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Derived Forms
- viˈbratingly, adverb
- vibratile, adjective
- ˈvibratory, adjective
- viˈbrating, adjective
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Other Words From
- vibrat·ing·ly adverb
- non·vibrat·ing adjective
- re·vibrate verb revibrated revibrating
- un·vibrat·ed adjective
- un·vibrat·ing adjective
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Word History and Origins
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Word History and Origins
Origin of vibrate1
C17: from Latin vibrāre
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Synonym Study
See shake.
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Example Sentences
“He calls it the manhole. It’s like an iris but moving and vibrating in front of the lens when you’re deeply connecting with characters’ emotions.
From Los Angeles Times
But after a challenging 2024 and the draining year that was January, his version of par was the stabilizing force grounding the technicolor defiance vibrating the air around him.
From Salon
One could be to vibrate the oxygen-making machine device, which might jiggle the bubbles free.
From BBC
The environment of the studios and the business was still vibrating from the hack.
From Los Angeles Times
While the floor vibrates, there is no actual lift.
From Los Angeles Times