

vin de pays

[ van duh pey-ee ]


plural vins de pays
  1. the wine of a particular region, usually available only in the region where the wine is made; local wine.

vin de pays

/ vɛ̃ də pei /


  1. Alsovin du pays the third highest French wine classification: indicates that the wine meets certain requirements concerning area of production, strength, etc VDP Compare AC VDQS vin de table
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of vin de pays1

literally: local wine
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Example Sentences

Côtes-du-Rhône reds have crept up in price, so here’s a simple vin de pays to fill the gap underneath.

It’s labeled Vin de Pays de Vaucluse, because the blend of merlot and marselan falls outside of the appellation rules.

The wines: Maria Gomes, Luis Pato, Bairrada, Portugal 2010, 7.50 pounds; Vin de Pays des Collines Rhodaniennes Syrah, Pierre Gaillard 2010, 6.50 pounds: excellent-value wines that worked well with the food.

There is a honey-based mead, but this being France, there is also beer, cider and vin de pays.

As I took my first sip of crisp white Vin de Pays d’Oc, I did feel a twinge of guilt for the valiant heretics, many of whom were devoutly austere.





vindaloovin de table