

View synonyms for visible spectrum

visible spectrum


  1. the range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation that is normally visible, from 380 to 760 nanometers.

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This device can freely adjust the wavelength position across the visible spectrum, from shorter to longer wavelengths and vice versa.

The team conducted experiments using LEDs shining on an artificial cloud chamber, and they observed heating of the fog, which was not supposed to happen since water does not absorb in the visible spectrum.

"Our work not only improves the coherence of these lasers but also shifts their output towards the visible spectrum, opening up new avenues for their use."

Scientists have unraveled the evolutionary journey of a unique type of photosynthesis that allows some bacteria to harness far-red light, a region beyond the visible spectrum.

When excited with UV light, these markers light up and fluoresce in the UV and part of the visible spectrum, in a process called autofluorescence.





visible radiationvisible speech