vision board
[ vizh-uhn bawrd ]
- a collage of pictures, text, and other items that represent and affirm one’s dreams and ambitions, created to help visualize and focus on one or more specific aspirations:
Everything on her vision board points to a career in pediatric medicine.
Word History and Origins
Origin of vision board1
Example Sentences
She recalled working in an office when she was starting out as an actress, and creating a vision board using Power Point which featured inspirational people she wanted to work with.
"Cate Blanchett, Kathy Bates and Jodie Foster were on that vision board," she noted, referring to her fellow nominees.
They’re excited to finally see inside: “Do we not have these exact arches on our vision board?” exults Leslie.
“But it was also comical. Since Ellen Cleghorn, I had not seen myself on the show in any capacity, so it was never on my vision board or to-do list in order to get to where I wanted to be in my career.”
Think of this as the world’s most depressing vision board.