
View synonyms for vocalize


[ voh-kuh-lahyz ]

verb (used with object)

vocalized, vocalizing.
  1. to make vocal; utter; articulate; sing.
  2. to endow with a voice; cause to utter.
  3. Phonetics.
    1. to voice.
    2. to change into a vowel ( consonantalize ).
  4. (of Hebrew, Arabic, and other writing systems that do not usually indicate vowels) to furnish with vowels or vowel points.

verb (used without object)

vocalized, vocalizing.
  1. to use the voice, as in speech or song.
  2. to sing without uttering words, especially to warm up the voice, practice vowel sounds, etc., before a performance.
  3. to sing scales, arpeggios, trills, or the like, usually to a solmization syllable or a vowel sound.
  4. Phonetics. to become changed into a vowel.


/ ˈvəʊkəˌlaɪz /


  1. to express with or use the voice; articulate (a speech, song, etc)
  2. tr to make vocal or articulate
  3. tr phonetics
    1. to articulate (a speech sound) with voice
    2. to change (a consonant) into a vowel
  4. another word for vowelize
  5. intr to sing a melody on a vowel, etc
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • ˌvocaliˈzation, noun
  • ˈvocalˌizer, noun
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Other Words From

  • vocal·i·zation noun
  • vocal·izer noun
  • misvo·cal·i·zation noun
  • nonvo·cal·i·zation noun
  • sub·vocal·ize verb subvocalized subvocalizing
  • un·vocal·ized adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of vocalize1

First recorded in 1660–70; vocal + -ize
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Example Sentences

“There’s no denying David Johansen’s bratty vocalizing… But unlike the MC5 — fellow revolutionaries who more directly presaged the hard-core aspects of the coming punk rebellion — the Dolls had clearer roots in the rock mainstream.”

The lawmakers, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren and 20 congressional Democrats, vocalized their disappointment in a scathing letter signed last Sunday.

From Salon

Its meals have always been “completely customizable,” meaning customers can “vocalize or digitally select their desired portions when choosing from the list of real ingredients,” Chipotle clarified.

From Salon

They also vocalize to tell their chicks they are back at the nest with food and, seemingly, to cheer on their babies when they’re learning to fly.

From Salon

Still, the sustainability underpinning the beds hasn't stopped some athletes from vocalizing certain comfort-related qualms.

From Salon





vocalityVocal Memnon