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About Daily Journal Profiles


The Daily Journal profiles all California judges and U.S. judges who sit in the four California federal districts or on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. On a case-specific basis, we profile administrative law judges and California Bar Court judges. Profiles provide lawyers practical information on judges’ court procedures and practices. Judges are profiled after one year on the bench and at 10-year intervals.


Profiles mediators, arbitrators and private judges emphasize procedures and philosophy. They are published in Fridays’ Verdicts & Settlements section. We do not profile neutrals until they have worked in the industry for at least one year and, usually, not more often than every 10 years. An exception might be made for a neutral who changes provider affiliation and has spent at least one year with the new agency.


The Daily Journal profiles general counsel and chief legal officers of California companies, public or private, and some companies outside California that do significant business in the state. Occasionally we profile deputy general counsel who head litigation departments or major practice groups, such as intellectual property or labor & employment. These profiles provide outside counsel insights on potential clients.

Firm Profiles

The Daily Journal profiles firms with fewer than 25 lawyers. These profiles explore challenges specific to smaller firms and how to overcome them. These profiles provide excellent guidance to attorneys starting new firms.

To submit your name or your firm for a profile or if you know of a judge who should be profiled, please email [email protected]