noun as in domineering person
Weak matches
antagonizer, browbeater, coercer, hector, intimidator, tough
verb as in intimidate, push around
Strongest matches
bludgeon, browbeat, coerce, harass, hector, oppress, persecute, terrorize, threaten, torment, torture
Strong matches
bluster, buffalo, bulldoze, cow, domineer, dragoon, enforce, menace, overbear, showboat, swagger, tyrannize
Weak matches
despotize, lean on, ride roughshod, turn on the heat, walk heavy
Example Sentences
“We will not be bullied or allow our rights to be trampled on or stolen,” the group said.
“They rolled up once or twice and threatened to close us down, arrest us — the usual bully tactics of security police anywhere in the world,” Fugard said.
As he told me last month in his only UK interview during his campaign to succeed current Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, it was necessary to "stand up to a bully".
The Department of Corrections said they had been investigating a previous complaint filed by Thitisant's family alleging that he had been bullied and assaulted by prison officers earlier this year.
There have also been allegations of bullying in Lowe's offices, which are being independently investigated by the lawyer who has been hired by the party.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.