noun as in disorientation
Strongest matches
bewilderment, disorientation, distraction, embarrassment, turbulence, turmoil
Strong matches
abashment, agitation, befuddlement, bemusement, chagrin, commotion, demoralization, discomfiture, dither, flap, fluster, lather, perplexity, perturbation, pother, puzzlement, stew, tumult
Weak matches
abashing, addling, befuddling, blurring, cluttering, confounding, disarranging, discomfiting, disturbing, dumbfounding, embarrassing, embroiling, mixup mystification, obscuring, perplexing, stirring up, tangling, unsettling, upsetting
noun as in disoriented state
Strongest matches
anarchy, chaos, complexity, complication, consternation, difficulty, disarray, dislocation, distraction, mistake, trouble, turmoil, upheaval
Strong matches
abashment, ado, astonishment, bustle, clutter, commotion, daze, discomposure, disorganization, ferment, fog, fracas, haze, imbroglio, intricacy, jumble, labyrinth, mess, muddle, mystification, pandemonium, perturbation, racket, riot, row, shambles, stir, stupefaction, surprise, tangle, tumult, untidiness, uproar, wilderness
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The club subsequently posted a second message which suggested the post was intended to grab attention and promote discussion, adding it apologised for "any confusion or upset caused".
It also apologised for "any confusion or upset caused".
Video clips from inside the aircraft showed scenes of confusion as passengers huddled around crew members who seemed to be explaining the situation.
He said missing meals could also increase levels of confusion and agitation.
At the time, Brownlee encouraged lawmakers to use the name Aotearoa New Zealand instead in order to avoid any confusion but said it was not a requirement.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.