noun as in misleading; being dishonest
Strongest matches
betrayal, deceit, disinformation, duplicity, falsehood, fraud, hypocrisy, lying, mendacity, treachery, trickery, untruth
Strong matches
artifice, beguilement, blarney, cheat, circumvention, cozenage, craftiness, cunning, deceitfulness, deceptiveness, dissimulation, double-dealing, dupery, equivocation, flimflam, fraudulence, guile, hokum, imposition, insincerity, juggling, legerdemain, pretense, prevarication, sophism, treason, trickiness, trumpery
Weak match
noun as in trick
Strong matches
bluff, boondoggle, catch, cheat, chicane, con, decoy, device, dodge, fallacy, feint, fib, gimmick, hogwash, hustle, imposture, jive, malarkey, pretext, ride, sham, shift, shuck, snare, stall, sting, story, stratagem, swindle, trap, whitewash, wile, wrinkle
Weak matches
bilk, con game, confidence game, crock, fast one, fast shuffle, mare's-nest, snow job
Example Sentences
"When you talk about falsehoods, lies and deception, that's not me. That didn't exist in my whole life," he told the court.
Villarreal: Yeah, the snake imagery has me trying to determine who is slithering with deception — I’m starting to suspect Mook isn’t as sweet and nice as we think she is.
So much of the film is centered around the idea that Emilia’s character is deceptive, and deception is tied to her transness.
But it was ultimately a family feud that ended his three decades of deception and led to him being jailed for five years.
It had heard evidence that it might overwhelm police and the criminal justice system - which is already facing severe backlogs - and that any allegations of deliberate deception would have to reach the criminal standard.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.