adjective as in changing
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
adjective as in embryonic
Strongest matches
Weak matches
adjective as in emergent
Weak matches
appearing, budding, coming, efflorescent, emanant, emanating, issuing forth, outgoing, rising
adjective as in green
Strong matches
budding, burgeoning, flourishing, foliate, growing, immature, infant, juvenile, maturing, pullulating, recent, sprouting, supple, unripe
adjective as in growing
Strongest matches
burgeoning, expanding, flourishing, spreading, thriving, viable
Strong matches
amplifying, animate, augmenting, budding, crescent, dilating, enlarging, fructifying, germinating, living, maturing, mushrooming, pullulating, sprouting, stretching, swelling, waxing
Weak match
adjective as in improving
Strong matches
bettering, correcting, elaborating, fixing, remodeling, repairing
Weak match
adjective as in increasing
Strong matches
accumulating, augmenting, booming, broadening, enlarging, flourishing, maturing, multiplying, proliferating, snowballing, sprouting, swelling, waxing, widening
Weak matches
adjective as in infant/infantile
adjective as in juvenile
adjective as in living
adjective as in maturing
Strong matches
advancing, aging, blossoming, consummating, evolving, growing, mellowing, perfecting, preparing, sprouting, sweetening
Weak match
adjective as in ongoing
Strongest matches
Weak matches
advancing, evolving, extant, heading, in process, in progress, marching, progressing, unfinished, unfolding
adjective as in progressive
Strongest matches
Strong matches
accelerating, advancing, continuing, escalating, evolving, improving, increasing, intensifying
Weak matches
advanced, continuous, dynamic, enterprising, go ahead, graduated, moving forward, ongoing, up-and-coming, up-to-date
adjective as in revolutionary
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
advanced, advancing, cutting edge, forward-looking, just out, open-minded, state-of-the-art, up-and-coming
adjective as in thriving
Strongest matches
booming, burgeoning, flourishing, growing, healthy, prosperous, robust, wealthy
Strong matches
advancing, arrived, blooming, cooking, progressing, prospering, roaring, rolling
Weak matches
doing well, going strong, have it made, have the wherewithal, home free, on top of heap, prolific, rich, sitting pretty
adjective as in young
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adolescent, blooming, blossoming, crude, fledgling, green, growing, infant, inferior, junior, juvenile, little, modern, newborn, punk, raw, recent, tender, tenderfoot
Weak matches
boyish, boylike, burgeoning, callow, childish, childlike, early, fresh, girlish, girllike, half-grown, ignorant, newish, not aged, pubescent, puerile, undeveloped, undisciplined, unfinished, unfledged, unlearned, unpracticed, unripe, unseasoned, untried, unversed, vernal
noun as in aging
noun as in blossoming
Strongest match
Strong matches
noun as in development
Strongest matches
advancement, evolution, expansion, improvement, increase, progress
Strong matches
addition, adulthood, advance, augmentation, boost, buildup, chrysalis, enlargement, flowering, hike, maturation, maturity, ontogenesis, ontogeny, progression, reinforcement, ripening, spread, spreading, unfolding
Weak matches
adding to, advancing, augmenting, elaborating, evolvement, evolving, increasing, making progress, maturing, ongoing, perfecting, reinforcing, unraveling, upgrowth, upping
noun as in unfolding
Strongest match
Strong matches
addition, adulthood, advance, advancement, advancing, augmentation, augmenting, boost, buildup, elaborating, enlargement, evolution, evolving, expansion, growth, hike, improvement, increase, increasing, maturation, maturing, maturity, perfecting, progress, progression, reinforcement, reinforcing, ripening, spread, spreading, unraveling, upping
Weak matches
Example Sentences
I’m always developing jokes for me, and I’m mindful of who might be in the audience, but I’m very lucky in that I don’t have a homogeneous audience.
People who give blood regularly are more likely to have genetic changes in their blood that could cut the risk of cancer developing, a study suggests.
The company is developing toys to help children as young as three learn code.
Trump has said he wants to strike a new deal with Iran to prevent it from developing its nuclear programme further.
The statement issued by the four European countries on Saturday said they were "committed to working with the Arab initiative" and they appreciated the "important signal" the Arab states had sent by developing it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.