dream world
noun as in lotus land
noun as in rose-colored glasses
Weak matches
noun as in twilight zone
Example Sentences
As a kid, going to a Black Montessori school outside of her neighborhood, and coming back home to its lushness and vibrancy — what she calls her “dream world” — Halsey saw the beauty and resources within this place that she wanted to magnify for the next generation.
I knew they were gestures done with folks’ hands, whether that was a hand-painted sign, a sign that’s put up as a graphic for advertising that’s very DIY, whether that meant clothing, style, I just knew: “OK, I’m in my dream world now.”
"I'm a middle-class school teacher who's now in a dream world."
He agreed with a lawyer's suggestion that bosses were "living in something of a dream world".
For the reactionary wellness crowd, it's about rejecting the scientific advances of modern medicine for their imagined past when people used "natural" remedies and were, in their dream world, healthier and happier for it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.