adjective as in easy
Weak matches
- accommodating
- amenable
- benign
- biddable
- charitable
- clement
- compassionate
- compliant
- condoning
- deceivable
- deludable
- dupable
- easygoing
- exploitable
- fleeceable
- forbearing
- forgiving
- gentle
- gullible
- humoring
- indulgent
- kindly
- lax
- lenient
- liberal
- light
- merciful
- mild
- moderate
- mollycoddling
- naive
- pampering
- pardoning
- spoiling
- submissive
- susceptible
- sympathetic
- temperate
- tractable
- trusting
- unburdensome
- unoppressive
- unsuspicious
adjective as in lenient
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- allowing
- amiable
- assuaging
- assuasive
- being big
- benignant
- charitable
- clement
- complaisant
- condoning
- easy
- easygoing
- emollient
- favoring
- forbearing
- gentle
- going easy on
- good-natured
- humoring
- kind
- kindly
- letting
- live with
- loving
- merciful
- mild
- mollycoddling
- obliging
- pampering
- pardoning
- permitting
- soft
- soft-shell
- softhearted
- sparing
- spoiling
- tender
- yielding
adjective as in tolerant
noun as in defense
noun as in exception
Strongest match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
“I can tell you, we’re throwing all of our available resources at it as we speak,” the chief said before excusing herself.
“I call upon you, Mr. Trump, to disavow these comments as reflecting in any way your personal or political,” he wrote, adding that an apology from Trump’s campaign was not sufficient in excusing the remarks.
I'm not excusing any of his behavior and I do think that if anyone is an unhealthy situation they have every right to leave and probably should leave.
The Biden campaign used the “bloodbath” comment in an ad - posted on its social media accounts - and a spokesman accused Mr Trump of “encouraging and excusing political violence”.
Which is one way of excusing an ally for aiding an enemy.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.