noun as in lack of success
Strong matches
noun as in person who does not succeed
Example Sentences
As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports, “Because measles is highly infectious, failures of routine immunization services to reach children are rapidly revealed by the occurrence of outbreaks primarily affecting unvaccinated children.”
"In face of setbacks, it requires a steady hand on the tiller and the vision to see the bigger picture", says Dr Barber, saying that knee-jerk responses to failures could "cause damage and delay".
To explain how that happens, Castleberry covers about a century’s worth of activity between two families whose fortunes and failures are intertwined.
These attacks on public health efforts — and the feelings of anger and frustration from Covid-19 policy failures — have sent me searching for how the field fell from its glory years over a century ago.
He insisted both that "chronic illness" was the sole cause of excessive health care spending and that most chronic illnesses were based on people's personal failures.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.