from the hip
adjective as in forthright
adjective as in frank
Weak matches
- aboveboard
- apparent
- artless
- bare-faced
- call a spade a spade
- candid
- down and dirty
- downright
- easy
- flat-out
- forthright
- guileless
- ingenuous
- lay it on the line
- like it is
- matter-of-fact
- naive
- outright
- outspoken
- plain-spoken
- saying what one thinks
- scrupulous
- sincere
- straightforward
- transparent
- truthful
- unconcealed
- undisguised
- uninhibited
- unreserved
- unrestricted
- up front
adjective as in openhearted
adjective as in plainspoken
Weak matches
- aboveboard
- apparent
- artless
- bare-faced
- bold
- brazen
- call a spade a spade
- direct
- downright
- easy
- familiar
- flat-out
- free
- heart-to-heart
- ingenuous
- lay it on the line
- like it is
- man-to-man
- natural
- open
- outright
- plain
- plain-spoken
- real
- saying what one thinks
- scrupulous
- sincere
- straight
- straight-out
- transparent
- truthful
- unconcealed
- undisguised
- uninhibited
- unreserved
- unrestricted
- up front
- upright
adjective as in spontaneous
Weak matches
- ad-lib
- automatic
- break loose
- down
- extemporaneous
- extempore
- free
- free-spirited
- impetuous
- improvised
- inevitable
- involuntary
- irresistible
- natural
- off top of head
- off-the-cuff
- unartful
- unavoidable
- unbidden
- uncompelled
- unconscious
- unconstrained
- uncontrived
- uncontrolled
- unforced
- unintentional
- unpremediated
- unprompted
- unsophisticated
- unstudied
- up front
adjective as in straight-from-the-shoulder
Weak matches
- aboveboard
- apparent
- artless
- bare-faced
- blunt
- bold
- brazen
- call a spade a spade
- candid
- direct
- downright
- easy
- familiar
- flat-out
- forthright
- free
- guileless
- heart-to-heart
- honest
- ingenuous
- lay it on the line
- like it is
- man-to-man
- matter-of-fact
- naive
- natural
- open
- outright
- outspoken
- plain
- plain-spoken
- plainspoken
- real
- saying what one thinks
- scrupulous
- sincere
- straight
- straight-out
- straightforward
- transparent
- truthful
- unconcealed
- undisguised
- uninhibited
- unreserved
- unrestricted
- up front
- upright
adjective as in straight-out
Weak matches
- aboveboard
- apparent
- artless
- bare-faced
- blunt
- bold
- brazen
- call a spade a spade
- candid
- direct
- downright
- easy
- familiar
- flat-out
- forthright
- free
- guileless
- heart-to-heart
- honest
- ingenuous
- lay it on the line
- like it is
- man-to-man
- matter-of-fact
- naive
- natural
- open
- outright
- outspoken
- plain
- plain-spoken
- plainspoken
- real
- saying what one thinks
- scrupulous
- sincere
- straight
- straightforward
- transparent
- truthful
- unconcealed
- undisguised
- uninhibited
- unreserved
- unrestricted
- up front
- upright
adjective as in straight-shooting
Weak matches
- aboveboard
- apparent
- artless
- bare-faced
- blunt
- bold
- brazen
- call a spade a spade
- candid
- direct
- downright
- easy
- familiar
- flat-out
- forthright
- free
- guileless
- heart-to-heart
- honest
- ingenuous
- lay it on the line
- like it is
- man-to-man
- matter-of-fact
- naive
- natural
- open
- outright
- outspoken
- plain
- plain-spoken
- plainspoken
- real
- saying what one thinks
- scrupulous
- sincere
- straight
- straight-out
- straightforward
- transparent
- truthful
- unconcealed
- undisguised
- uninhibited
- unreserved
- unrestricted
- up front
- upright
adjective as in unrehearsed
adverb as in frankly
Example Sentences
“But to exercise my discretion properly, I’m not going to shoot from the hip right here on the bench,” Ho said on Wednesday.
“There could be certain areas where he would be beneficial, but to be very honest, I don't trust him, because he shoots from the hip,” Gostin said.
The tightrope that you have to walk, hence the reason we need certain people running our country and not shooting from the hip.
Mr King, 63, said he had met McFarland several months ago to discuss Fyre II but he feared his former business partner hadn't "learned a lot in prison... he's shooting from the hip again".
So you're sort of shooting from the hip in a really different way where even though you might get to do the character for much longer, for years sometimes, and then it just sinks into your bones and becomes an innate part of you, at the same time, you're learning new things about your character.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.