Example Sentences
For several years, white deer have been seen munching ornamental frondescence in backyards and have become so popular among people that they are explicitly excluded from Charlottesville efforts to reduce the ruminating ungulate population.
Frondescence, the bursting into leaf.
The common honeysuckle, Lonicera Periclymenum, is one of these, and it is noticeable in this plant that the calyx remains unaffected—a circumstance which Morren says shows the distinctness of virescence from frondescence; for, in this instance, we have the most foliaceous portion of the flower remaining unchanged, while the corolla and other organs, usually less leaf-like in their nature, assume a green colour; but this may rather be attributed to the axial nature of the so-called adherent calyx.
Frondescence of the petals has been observed most frequently in the following cases; some, perhaps, were cases merely of virescence, q. v.; see also under Chloranthy, Prolification.
The supposed causes of this and other similar malformations are alluded to under the head of chloranthy, but it may be here remarked that semi-double flowers, fertilised by the pollen of similar flowers, are said to produce flowers with a centre of small green leaves, this central tuft resulting from the expansion and frondescence of the pistils.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.