adjective as in effectual
Strong matches
Weak matches
accomplishing, achieving, adequate, binding, capable, conclusive, decisive, determinative, effecting, efficient, forcible, in force, lawful, legal, licit, potent, powerful, practicable, productive, qualified, serviceable, sound, strong, successful, telling, useful, valid, virtuous, workable
adjective as in operating
Strongest matches
Strong matches
accomplishing, administering, conducting, contriving, determining, directing, driving, executing, finishing, guiding, maintaining, managing, manipulating, moving, ordering, practicing, regulating, revolving, serving, spinning, supervising, sustaining, transacting, turning, using, wielding
Weak match
adjective as in performing
adjective as in realizing
Strong matches
accomplishing, actualizing, attaining, completing, consummating, doing, perfecting, performing, reaching
adjective as in rewarding
Strongest matches
advantageous, fruitful, gratifying, productive, profitable, satisfying, valuable, worthwhile
Strong match
Weak matches
adjective as in satisfactory
Strongest matches
adequate, decent, fair, good, gratifying, satisfying, solid, suitable, tolerable, valid
Weak matches
A-OK, all right, ample, appeasing, assuaging, assuasive, average, cogent, comfortable, competent, cool, delighting, enough, good enough, groovy, passable, peachy, pleasing, sound, sufficing, unexceptional, up to snuff
noun as in enforcement
Strongest matches
Strong matches
coercion, compulsion, constraint, duress, exaction, execution, impulsion, insistence, lash, obligation, prescription, pressure, reinforcement, spur, whip
Weak matches
carrying-out, compulsory law, enforcing, martial law, necessitation
noun as in execution
Strong matches
accomplishment, achievement, administration, completion, consummation, delivery, discharge, effect, enactment, enforcement, implementation, operation, performance, prosecution, realization, rendering, style
Weak matches
Example Sentences
"It is an incredibly fulfilling experience to know that every day when you wake up, you are doing something good," said Newmark.
It adds that it is "diligently fulfilling international drug control obligations".
So much for companies fulfilling a fiduciary duty to shareholders.
She has described their relationship as "fulfilling and deeply emotional," despite never being able to share a traditional life together.
Now she can't imagine fulfilling the boomer stereotype of going on multiple holiday cruises per year, with more than half of cruises populated by over-60s.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.