noun as in audacity
noun as in bravery
noun as in haleness
noun as in health
noun as in heartiness
noun as in nerve
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak match
noun as in nerviness
Weak matches
- assumption
- assurance
- audaciousness
- audacity
- boldness
- brashness
- brass
- brazenness
- cheek
- cheekiness
- chutzpah
- cockiness
- crust
- defiance
- discourtesy
- disrespect
- disrespectfulness
- effrontery
- face
- familiarity
- forwardness
- gall
- guts
- gutsiness
- impertinence
- impudency
- incivility
- insolence
- moxie
- nerve
- overconfidence
- pertness
- presumptuousness
- pushiness
- rudeness
- sassiness
- sauciness
- shamelessness
- spunk
- stuff
- temerity
noun as in overconfidence
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in pertness
Strong matches
- assumption
- assurance
- audaciousness
- audacity
- boldness
- brashness
- brass
- brazenness
- cheek
- cheekiness
- chutzpah
- cockiness
- crust
- defiance
- discourtesy
- disrespect
- effrontery
- face
- familiarity
- forwardness
- gall
- guts
- gutsiness
- impertinence
- incivility
- insolence
- moxie
- nerve
- overconfidence
- presumptuousness
- pushiness
- rudeness
- sauciness
- shamelessness
- spunk
- stuff
- temerity
Weak matches
noun as in potence
Strong matches
- backbone
- body
- brawn
- brawniness
- clout
- courage
- durability
- energy
- firmness
- force
- fortitude
- health
- healthiness
- lustiness
- might
- muscle
- nerve
- physique
- pith
- potency
- pow
- power
- powerfulness
- powerhouse
- puissance
- robustness
- security
- sinew
- sock
- soundness
- stability
- stableness
- stalwartness
- steadiness
- steamroller
- stoutness
- sturdiness
- substance
- tenacity
- toughness
- verdure
- vigor
- vim
- vitality
- zip
Weak matches
noun as in powerfulness
Strong matches
- backbone
- body
- brawn
- brawniness
- clout
- courage
- durability
- energy
- firmness
- force
- fortitude
- health
- healthiness
- lustiness
- might
- muscle
- nerve
- physique
- pith
- potence
- potency
- pow
- power
- powerhouse
- puissance
- robustness
- security
- sinew
- sock
- soundness
- stability
- stableness
- stalwartness
- steadiness
- steamroller
- stoutness
- sturdiness
- substance
- tenacity
- toughness
- verdure
- vigor
- vim
- vitality
- zip
Weak matches
noun as in presumptuousness
Strong matches
- assumption
- assurance
- audaciousness
- audacity
- boldness
- brashness
- brass
- brazenness
- cheek
- cheekiness
- chutzpah
- cockiness
- crust
- defiance
- discourtesy
- disrespect
- effrontery
- face
- familiarity
- forwardness
- gall
- guts
- gutsiness
- impertinence
- incivility
- insolence
- moxie
- nerve
- overconfidence
- pertness
- pushiness
- rudeness
- sauciness
- shamelessness
- spunk
- stuff
- temerity
Weak matches
noun as in pushiness
Strong matches
- assumption
- assurance
- audaciousness
- audacity
- boldness
- brashness
- brass
- brazenness
- cheek
- cheekiness
- chutzpah
- cockiness
- crust
- defiance
- discourtesy
- disrespect
- effrontery
- face
- familiarity
- forwardness
- gall
- guts
- gutsiness
- impertinence
- incivility
- insolence
- moxie
- nerve
- overconfidence
- pertness
- presumptuousness
- rudeness
- sauciness
- shamelessness
- spunk
- stuff
- temerity
Weak matches
noun as in sassiness
Weak matches
- assumption
- assurance
- audaciousness
- audacity
- boldness
- brashness
- brass
- brazenness
- cheek
- cheekiness
- chutzpah
- cockiness
- crust
- defiance
- discourtesy
- disrespect
- disrespectfulness
- effrontery
- face
- familiarity
- forwardness
- gall
- guts
- gutsiness
- impertinence
- impudency
- incivility
- insolence
- moxie
- nerve
- nerviness
- overconfidence
- pertness
- presumptuousness
- pushiness
- rudeness
- sauciness
- shamelessness
- spunk
- stuff
- temerity
noun as in sauciness
Strong matches
- assumption
- assurance
- audaciousness
- audacity
- boldness
- brashness
- brass
- brazenness
- cheek
- cheekiness
- chutzpah
- cockiness
- crust
- defiance
- discourtesy
- disrespect
- effrontery
- face
- familiarity
- forwardness
- gall
- guts
- gutsiness
- impertinence
- incivility
- insolence
- moxie
- nerve
- overconfidence
- pertness
- presumptuousness
- pushiness
- rudeness
- shamelessness
- spunk
- stuff
- temerity
Weak matches
noun as in strength
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in thew
Weak matches
- backbone
- body
- brawn
- brawniness
- brute force
- clout
- courage
- durability
- energy
- firmness
- force
- fortitude
- health
- healthiness
- lustiness
- might
- muscle
- nerve
- physique
- pith
- potence
- potency
- pow
- power
- powerfulness
- powerhouse
- puissance
- robustness
- security
- sinew
- sock
- soundness
- stability
- stableness
- stalwartness
- steadiness
- steamroller
- stoutness
- strong arm
- sturdiness
- substance
- tenacity
- toughness
- verdure
- vigor
- vim
- vitality
- zip
noun as in tolerance
Strongest matches
noun as in tolerance
Strongest matches
Weak match
noun as in uppishness
Strong matches
- assumption
- assurance
- audaciousness
- audacity
- boldness
- brashness
- brass
- brazenness
- cheek
- cheekiness
- chutzpah
- cockiness
- crust
- defiance
- discourtesy
- disrespect
- effrontery
- face
- familiarity
- forwardness
- gall
- guts
- gutsiness
- impertinence
- incivility
- insolence
- moxie
- nerve
- overconfidence
- pertness
- presumptuousness
- pushiness
- rudeness
- sauciness
- shamelessness
- spunk
- stuff
- temerity
Weak matches
noun as in uppityness
Strong matches
- assumption
- assurance
- audaciousness
- audacity
- boldness
- brashness
- brass
- brazenness
- cheek
- cheekiness
- chutzpah
- cockiness
- crust
- defiance
- discourtesy
- disrespect
- effrontery
- face
- familiarity
- forwardness
- gall
- guts
- gutsiness
- impertinence
- incivility
- insolence
- moxie
- nerve
- overconfidence
- pertness
- presumptuousness
- pushiness
- rudeness
- sauciness
- shamelessness
- spunk
- stuff
- temerity
Weak matches
noun as in vigor
Strongest matches
noun as in vigorousness
Weak matches
- ability
- action
- activity
- agility
- alertness
- bang
- birr
- bounce
- capability
- capacity
- dash
- drive
- dynamism
- endurance
- enterprise
- exercise
- fire
- force
- get-up-and-go
- go
- healthiness
- intensity
- juice
- kick
- liveliness
- lustiness
- might
- motion
- moxie
- muscle
- nimbleness
- pep
- pith
- potency
- puissance
- punch
- push
- quickness
- snap
- sock
- soundness
- starch
- steam
- strength
- tuck
- urgency
- vehemence
- verve
- vim
- vim and vigor
- vitality
- well-being
- zing
- zip
Example Sentences
It is a Wisconsin badge of honor to have been at the Ice Bowl, an indication of both Midwestern hardiness and insanity.
Herders sometimes favor hybridization because genes from wild progenitors are thought to enhance the hardiness of domestic stock.
These numbers reflect the plant’s ability to survive the average minimum winter temperatures in the hardiness zones listed.
In late 2023, the Department of Agriculture seemed to validate their experiences when it released its updated plant hardiness zone map — moving more than half of the U.S. into warmer climate zones.
Cold hardiness is a critical part of a plant’s success, but far from the only one.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.