adjective as in active
Strongest matches
adjective as in anxious
Strongest matches
adjective as in distressed
Strong matches
adjective as in fidgety
adjective as in frantic
Strong matches
adjective as in frenetic
adjective as in hyperactive
Strongest matches
Weak matches
adjective as in invigorating
adjective as in lively
Strongest matches
adjective as in madding
Strongest match
Weak matches
- agitated
- angry
- at wit's end
- berserk
- beside oneself
- corybantic
- crazy
- delirious
- deranged
- distraught
- excited
- flipped-out
- fraught
- freaked-out
- frenetic
- frenzied
- furious
- hectic
- hot and bothered
- hot under the collar
- hysterical
- in a stew
- in a tizzy
- insane
- mad
- out of control
- overwrought
- panic-stricken
- rabid
- raging
- raving
- shook-up
- unglued
- unscrewed
- unzipped
- violent
- weird
- weirded out
- wigged out
- wild
- wired
- worked-up
- zonkers
adjective as in on edge
adjective as in overexcited
Weak match
adjective as in overwrought
Strongest match
Weak matches
- affected
- agitated
- all shook up
- beside oneself
- crazy
- distracted
- emotional
- excitable
- fired-up
- flipped-out
- freaked-out
- histrionic
- histrionical
- hot under collar
- hot-and-bothered
- in a state
- nervous
- neurotic
- on edge
- overexcited
- overstrung
- overworked
- spent
- steamed up
- stirred
- strung-out
- tense
- tired
- uneasy
- unstrung
- uptight
- weary
- wired
- worked-up
- worn
- wound-up
adjective as in rousing
adjective as in spirited
Strongest matches
adjective as in sprightly
adjective as in temperamental
Strongest matches
adjective as in tense
Strongest matches
adjective as in tireless
adjective as in untiring
Weak matches
- constant
- continued
- continuing
- dedicated
- devoted
- dogged
- eager beaver
- fireball
- firm
- go-go
- grind
- incessant
- indefatigable
- indomitable
- inexhaustible
- jumping
- patient
- perky
- persistent
- pertinacious
- plodding
- plugging
- resolute
- staunch
- steady
- strong
- tenacious
- tireless
- unceasing
- undeterred
- unfailing
- unfaltering
- unflagging
- unflinching
- unremitting
- unstinted
- unswerving
- unwavering
- unwearied
adjective as in unwearied
adjective as in vehement
Strongest matches
adjective as in weariless
adverb as in beyond
Weak matches
- above
- after
- ahead
- apart from
- as well as
- at a distance
- away from
- before
- behind
- besides
- beyond the bounds
- clear of
- farther
- free of
- good way off
- in addition to
- in advance of
- long way off
- more remote
- moreover
- on the far side
- on the other side
- out of range
- out of reach
- outside
- over
- over and above
- over there
- past
- remote
- superior to
- without
- yonder
adverb as in on edge
Example Sentences
“Sometimes this hyper specific bumper sticker is a way of reaching across the highway and making a connection with another person.”
“Rather than going on a hyper political rant, we had the ability to just let the show speak for itself and let the art do the work, so that’s what we did,” Amer adds.
“Everyone’s doing this hyper connected thing: How can I help? And that’s going to add even more value to this community.”
But she saw a change in him as he became "hyper vigilant" and "almost withdrawn at points".
"This kind of makes him feel that he can overcome big obstacles," said Mr Martin, adding that, politically, Trudeau operates with "a hyper amount of self-confidence".
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.