in halves
adjective as in separate
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Chefs moved away from straight boiling them and started to slow-roast them in halves or quarters, coaxing out a really appealing caramelized sweetness that masked the vegetable’s inherent bitterness.
Roasting squash in halves is an excellent choice for home cooks who wish to generate a visually dramatic centerpiece for a meal; the roasted halves could serve as vessels for a long-simmering sugo di carne, or a warm, perky grain salad.
If you want to arrive at similar results but save yourself all the peeling and chopping time, roast in halves is your saving grace this season.
Findings: The roast in halves method produced beautifully seasoned squash with a healthy amount of browning, which meant a meaningfully better flavor than the roast whole squash.
I can't count the shortened cook time as a plus though, because the upfront peeling and chopping meant the overall process actually took longer than the roast in halves batch.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.