noun as in egoism
Strong matches
- arrogance
- assurance
- boastfulness
- boasting
- bragging
- conceit
- conceitedness
- egomania
- egotism
- gasconade
- haughtiness
- insolence
- narcissism
- ostentation
- overconfidence
- presumption
- pride
- self-absorption
- self-confidence
- self-importance
- self-interest
- self-love
- self-possession
- self-regard
- self-worship
- selfishness
- superiority
- vainglory
- vanity
noun as in egoism/egotism
Weak matches
- arrogance
- assurance
- boastfulness
- boasting
- bragging
- conceit
- conceitedness
- egocentricity
- egomania
- gasconade
- haughtiness
- insolence
- narcissism
- ostentation
- overconfidence
- preoccupation with self
- presumption
- pride
- self-absorption
- self-admiration
- self-confidence
- self-importance
- self-interest
- self-love
- self-possession
- self-regard
- self-worship
- selfishness
- superiority
- swellheadedness
- vainglory
- vanity
- vaunting
noun as in self-absorption
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in self-centeredness
Strong matches
- arrogance
- assurance
- boastfulness
- boasting
- bragging
- conceit
- conceitedness
- egocentrism
- egomania
- egotism
- gasconade
- haughtiness
- insolence
- narcissism
- ostentation
- overconfidence
- presumption
- pride
- self-absorption
- self-confidence
- self-importance
- self-interest
- self-love
- self-possession
- self-regard
- self-worship
- selfishness
- superiority
- vainglory
- vanity
noun as in self-involvement
Weak matches
- arrogance
- assurance
- boastfulness
- boasting
- bragging
- conceit
- conceitedness
- egocentricity
- egocentrism
- egomania
- egotism
- gasconade
- haughtiness
- insolence
- narcissism
- ostentation
- overconfidence
- presumption
- pride
- self-absorption
- self-admiration
- self-centeredness
- self-confidence
- self-importance
- self-interest
- self-love
- self-possession
- self-regard
- self-worship
- selfishness
- superiority
- swellheadedness
- vainglory
- vanity
- vaunting
noun as in vainness
Weak matches
- amour-propre
- arrogance
- assurance
- boastfulness
- boasting
- bragging
- conceit
- conceitedness
- ego
- egocentricity
- egoism
- egomania
- gasconade
- haughtiness
- insolence
- narcissism
- ostentation
- overconfidence
- presumption
- pride
- self-absorption
- self-admiration
- self-confidence
- self-importance
- self-interest
- self-love
- self-possession
- self-regard
- self-worship
- selfishness
- superiority
- swellheadedness
- vainglory
- vanity
- vaunting
Example Sentences
Some superstars hide their megalomania under humility; Williams shields his tenderness with jokes about being a narcissist, only exposing his wounds in his muscular, vulnerable lyrics.
He added: “Ultimately I knew it was Cannes’ setting — more than a match for his own megalomania — that would convince him to come.”
Earlier this week, Donald Trump took the next logical step in his fascist god complex and megalomania.
At the same time, I remain convinced that Trump’s megalomania — his growing radicalism, his frequent threats, his general odiousness — represents a path to electoral calamity in 2024 for the GOP.
Trump’s megalomania and claims to god-like power, were on full display during his speech on Saturday, where the ex-president, described himself in the third person, telling the audience that “Trump was right about everything.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.