Example Sentences
In the eulogy of him in the Cistercian Menology it is said, “that he was remarkable for his sanctity and wonderful miracles, and that next to St. Malachy, he was regarded by the Irish nation as one of its principal patrons,” even down to the time that that was written, A.D.
Menology, mē-nol′o-ji, n. a register of months: a list or calendar of martyrs, with festivals celebrated, &c.
A Russian painting upon a shell, representing a female saint called S. Parasceve, ἡ ἁγια Παρασκευη, who is found in the Greek Menology, but whose history is believed by the Bollandists to be a pious fiction.
Garnet’s name was included in the list of the 353 Roman Catholic martyrs sent to Rome from England in 1880, and in the 2nd appendix of the Menology of England and Wales compiled by order of the cardinal archbishop and the bishops of the province of Westminster by R. Stanton in 1887, where he is styled “a martyr whose cause is deferred for future investigation.”
The Menology is defective after 12 June, and elsewhere.
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