

Definition for mind

noun as in memory

noun as in inclination, tendency; belief

verb as in be bothered; care

verb as in comply, obey

verb as in be careful

verb as in remember

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Example Sentences

“In my mind,” he said, “I have Bernie Sanders holding a stethoscope up to the Democratic Party and saying, ‘Hey, listen to this: the heartbeat of America.’”

“I can imagine insurance rates are going to be near the top of voters’ minds when it comes to cost and affordability of living in California,” DiCamillo said.

Never mind the insults the puerile president constantly dishes out, the demeaning nicknames he assigns — like “Newscum” — or the president’s heartless approach to governing.

Republican critics of Trump, European allies, federal judges, and Democrats facing a big budget battle should all keep that in mind.

From Salon

The clash with Stanley that topples Blanche’s mind after Stella has gone into labor is just as freshly conceived.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


