not including
adjective as in omitting
preposition as in but
Example Sentences
Separate research conducted by the Federation of Small Business found in the final three months of last year confidence among small firms hit its lowest point for 10 years, not including the Covid pandemic.
"I think to claim that it's one man's war when you have 600,000 troops there and over three million in the defence industry, not including all the propagandists, is not convincing," Jade McGlynn is firm.
In fiscal 2024-25, the state’s $500-billion budget anticipates $168 billion in federal funds, not including funding for the state’s public college and university system.
When the pupil reported the abuse in 2017, Ms McMaster was in a new role with the Chiltern Learning Trust, which runs a chain of schools not including Holywell Middle.
“There is a 1000 foot wave coming regarding AI that several progressive countries, not including the United States, have responded to in a responsible manner,” the Oscar-nominated “Jojo Rabbit” star wrote.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.